Sexual and Asexual Reproduction

   Course Outline  

      I.  Sexual Reproduction

           A.   Chromosomes and Chromosome Number      

              1.    Homologous chromosomes

       2.   Haploid and diploid cell

II.  Asexual Reproduction

     A.  Inheritance

           1.  Single parent

           2.  Genetically identical to parent

     B.  Types

           1.  Binary fission

           2.  Budding

           3.  Vegetative reproduction

           4.  Spore formation

           5.  Fragmentation

           6.  Parthenogenesis

Teaching Aids

  1. Computer

2.  Smart Board 

3.  Paper for students to use to construct a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting sexual and asexual reproduction.

4.  Powerpoint

5.  After the powerpoint and a reading of the textbook, students will be given the following worksheet to complete for homework.  The teacher will go over the assignment with them the next day.

Class Projects

Students are to prepare a report listing 5 organisms that use asexual reproduction, and 5 organisms that use sexual reproduction.  The report is to include the scientific name of the organism and a photo of the organism.

Review Questions

Choose the correct multiple choice answer 

1.      Sexual Reproduction

a.        Requires haploid gametes

b.      Results in a diploid zygote

c.       Creates offspring that are geniticallyDifferent from the parents

d.       All of the above 

2.       Sexual reproduction decreases the genetic variability of the next generation____True____False 

3.       Sexual reproduction contributes greatly to the process of

a.        Evolution

b.      Metabolism

c.       Organization

d.      Growth and Repair 

4.       The only method of creating genetic variation is sexual reproduction.____True____False

 5.       In animals the haploid cells produced by meiosis mature and become

a.        spores

b.      Zygotes

c.       Gametes

d.      Diploids 

6.       In animals, the only haploid stage of the life cycle is the _________.

a.        Gametes

b.      Spores

c.       Zygotes

d.      Adult

 7.      In fungi (and some algae), only the _____ are ever diploid.

a.        Gametes

b.      Adults

c.       Zygotes

d.      Spores 

8.       The production of haploid spores is characteristic of animal life cycles.____True____False 

 9.       All three types of life cycles, typical of eukaryotic cells, include the production of gametes, a haploid phase, fertilization and a diploid phase.

           ____True           ____False

 Complete each of the following statements with a word making that statement correct.

10.   Growing an entire new plant from part of the original plant is called ________.

 11.   The process by which a starfish grows back a missing arm is called__________. This process involves therestoration of lost body parts. 

12.   Bread mold reproduces asexually by the process of _________________. 

Choose the response which best answers each of the following questions or completes each of the followingstatements. 

13.   Reproduction by budding occurs in the

(1.) earthworm             (2.) crayfish              (3.) hydra      

 14 . In the Paramecium, which is true of a daughter cell that results from fission?           

 (1.) It has one half as many chromosomes as the parent cell.            

(2.) It has the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell and is the same size as the parent.           

(3.) It has twice as many chromosomes as the parent cell.            

(4.) It has as many chromosomes as the parent cell, but is smaller. 


15.     Which method of reproduction is carried on by the paramecium?

 (1.) budding       (2.) sporulation      (3.) mitosis and cytokines             (4.) multiple fission       16. The release of spores by a mushroom is one type of            

 (1.) meiosis       (2.) gametogenesis (3.) asexual reproduction (4.) binary fission


Asexual and sexual reproduction may be explained further at this website